Fachanwälte für Medizinrecht

Martin Reinboth

Specialist Lawyer for Medical Law

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Fachanwalt für Medizinrecht Martin Reinboth
Fachanwalt für Medizinrecht Martin Reinboth


Martin Reinboth

Martin Reinboth was born in 1963 in Münster, Westphalia. Following an apprenticeship at the Deutsche Bank in Cologne he studied law at Cologne University, whilst working at the Deutsche Bank legal department in Cologne and New York. He took the first state exam in November 1989. From 1992 to 1993 he worked at Meinecke & Meinecke as a trainee lawyer and took his second state exam in 1993.

Initially he worked in banking, taking on a leading role at Morgan Stanley in London. Since February 2003 he has been a registered lawyer at all county, regional and higher regional courts in Germany. Associate of Meinecke & Meinecke since 1 February 2003. Recognised specialist lawyer for medical law since November 2006.

Competence, experience and commitment at the side of the injured for more than 50 years