Fachanwälte für Medizinrecht

Markus Alexander Meinecke

Specialising in Medical Law

Special Interests

Focus of Interest

Fachanwalt für Medizinrecht, Markus A. Meinecke, Köln
Markus A. Meinecke, Anwalt für Medizinrecht in Köln


Markus Alexander Meinecke

Markus A Meinecke was in 1958 in Cologne. He is the son of senior partner Dr Georg Meinecke and his wife Bärbel Meinecke. Markus is married to Birgit Meinecke. He studied law and political science at Christian Albrechts University in Kiel, together with his brother Boris Meinecke. He took his first state exam at the higher regional court in Schleswig, followed by a traineeship in North-Rhine Westphalia. Assessor exam at the higher regional court in Düsseldorf. Since 1990 registered lawyer at all county, regional and higher regional courts in Germany. Recognised specialist lawyer for medical law since June 2007.

Competence, experience and commitment at the side of the injured for more than 50 years